1. Know your strengths and capabilities
Employers are looking for people who would be GREAT assets to the company — those who could contribute their skills and capabilities to help the company achieve their goals. Executive business coach Irene Leonard advises that knowing yourself, your values and how you work is the key to effectively sell yourself to your future bosses. Keep a log of your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Before an interview take time to study the website of the company to get an understanding of their mission and values so you can articulate how your strengths can contribute to their goals.
2. Be confident, but not arrogant
Nothing turns off an interviewer more than a fidgety interviewee. While it’s normal to feel a bit nervous especially during your first few interviews, you don’t have to show it. Projection is the way to go. A confident person shows that he is able to get the job done, a very important aspect for employers. They want someone that can take the reins, not someone unsure of what to do. A very thin line separates confidence and arrogance though so you should also tread lightly. Arrogance is confidence magnified ten times. You could be confident without sounding smug. Talk about your accomplishments but be careful not to sound like a know-it-all. When you are asked a question pause before answering even if you know the answer. To help you gain some confidence check out this TED talk about how
your body language shapes who you are.
3. Dress to impress
No, it’s not vanity. It’s simply showing your prospective employer that you value their opinion enough to show up to the interview in a well-thought of ensemble. A well-dressed interviewee would be favored mostly over someone who came in their comfy jeans and sweater. Whatever the dress code, it’s best to wear smart business casual clothes — they convey that you’re serious about working for them.
It’s hard to convince a panel of people of your credentials wearing an ironic T-shirt.
4. Ask Meaningful Questions
Prior to the interview take some time to review the company website, do a Google search of the top executives, and learn as much as you can. Then while you are interviewing you can ask meaningful questions that align with the company’s objectives. This will show them that you have a genuine interest in the position.
Remember, you are interviewing them just as much as they are interviewing you. Make sure you also ask questions like: what is the company culture like, or what are the growth opportunities. This will help you get a good understanding if this is a good fit.
It’s just an interview not an interrogation. If you just be yourself and follow the tips above you will make a lasting impression.
If you know someone that could use this advice please consider sharing this post. Also if you have any other tips feel free to leave them in the comments.
Good luck!]]>